Frontier Analytics Workbench - Fluid AI


Frontier is a no-code AI-driven analytics platform developed by Fluid AI to create an end-to-end solution for analytics and AI-based problems.

I collaborated with my colleague Mihir Deo during my tenure as a Data Scientist at Fluid AI on the development of the product. Some of the key features developed are

Data Optimization

  • This feature generates a validation report using the current data, including the results of multiple statistical tests, best practices, and recommendations.
  • All the report recommendations can be implemented in the data using a single button from the GUI.

    Model Optimization

  • Multiple levels of model optimization were integrated into the product.
  • A GUI to modify the default hyperparameters of the model was implemented.
  • An advanced feature was implemented to find the best hyperparameters for a given data along with the configuration to define the best hyperparameters.
  • An automated model feature was implemented to find the best model for a given data along with the configuration to define the best model.

Model Monitoring

  • Alerting features were implemented to notify when model maintenance or retraining is required based on statistical analysis.
  • Dashboards are built that show the intrinsic details of drift in data.